Datapescas and the Directorate-General for Natural Resources, Safety and Maritime Services (DGRM) have compiled a set of available statistics for the months of January to September 2023, comparing them with those recorded in the same periods of 2021 and 2022.

The data presented relate to the consumer price index, estimates of the volumes and average prices of fresh/chilled fish landed on the mainland and in the Autonomous Regions, the trade balance for fisheries products and the national fishing fleet.

With regard to trawling, shrimp had an average value of 10.11 euros per kilo, prawns 26.19 euros per kilo, blue whiting 0.99 euros per kilo and Norway lobster 25.91 euros per kilo.

As for purse seining, mackerel sold for an average of 0.60 euros per kilo, sardines for 1.79 euros per kilo, horse mackerel 1.91 euros per kilo, tuna and the like 2.49 euros per kilo and anchovies 3.07 euros per kilo.

Finally, with regard to other types of fishing, octopus averaged 8.48 euros per kilo, cuttlefish 6.44 euros per kilo and clams 2.78 euros per kilo.