Amorim Cork Insulation (ACI) hosted the meeting at the factory premises, which was attended by Councillor Maxime Sousa Bispo and representatives of CCDR- Algarve, the Pestana group and the Residents' Committee “Vizinhos da Fabrica”.
“Vizinhos da Fabrica” told The Portugal News that “After analysing the results of the phase 2 prototype, ACI realised that the application of a catalyst system was not the ideal solution for eliminating white fumes (Suberin). Internal meetings and design reviews with the Element 6 engineering company led to the decision to change the design to an RTO system. This decision in fact means a delay in the completion of phase 2 into 2025.”
The residents committee “Vizinhos da Fabrica” shared that they cannot understand the delay, “the frustration is growing with the neighbouring population about ACI management not capable of dealing with this problem for so many years. The people have to suffer another suffocating summer and what is next?”.
According to ACI, the phase 1 pre-filter is producing the expected results. The factory's general manager, Carlos Manuel Oliveira, announced that the factory's management maintains the order to suspend or stop the cork block production process when the pre-filter is not working properly. ACI's expectation was to reduce the level of white smoke by 80 per cent. Unfortunately, the ICA is unable to clarify how effective the pre-filter is until new analyses of the particles in the chimney gases are carried out in 2024.
The Portugal News reached out to Amorim Cork Insulation (ACI) to confirm the above statement from “Vizinhos da Fabrica” regarding the delay in which they did confirm this and they also added that “ACI continued its work on reducing factory noise, listing three main areas:
1.The insulation work on the trommel equipment building started in 2023 and is expected to be completed in early 2024. This building will reduce the noise of the operation of the trommel, where the cork is separated from the earth.
2.The machines and fans outside the buildings will receive large acoustic booths and silencers, which will be completed in February.
3. This work will be followed by the acoustic modernisation of the current crushing building (where the cork is cut into small pieces), with improvement of the insulation of the roof and doors.”
In the meantime, acoustic tests will be carried out regularly to assess the results of the work, after which the respective adjustment of the building designed to soundproof the noise coming from the shredder will be carried out. The respective urban construction license should be granted during this year.”
The “Vizinhos da Fabrica” confirmed that the restriction on the factory's opening hours imposed by Silves Town Council will be maintained. The complete factory will stop to work from 11.59pm on Friday: until 4am on Monday morning for the caldera, until 8am on Monday morning for the autoclave, until 8am on Monday morning for the rest of the factory.
For more information see Poluicao Silves on Facebook or contact
Following undertaking her university degree in English with American Literature in the UK, Cristina da Costa Brookes moved back to Portugal to pursue a career in Journalism, where she has worked at The Portugal News for 3 years. Cristina’s passion lies with Arts & Culture as well as sharing all important community-related news.