According to Daniel Vilaça, the shortage of labour is related to the difficulty of obtaining affordable housing in Braga and the lack of an effective public transport network connecting neighbouring municipalities.

“We owe a lot to the immigrants who have arrived here in Braga and Portugal, who have filled some lack of labour here, and it is important that we look at this labour force that is arriving, welcome them well, give them the conditions to be here in Portugal, because if they leave we will have serious problems in many companies”, he said.

Daniel Vilaça was speaking to journalists as part of a meeting between the Braga Business Association (AEB) and the Portuguese Business Confederation (CIP), called to promote a broad reflection on the state of the Minho region's economy and the main problems and challenges that it has to win to become more competitive, cohesive and sustainable.

One of these challenges, Vilaça reiterated, is the lack of labour.

For the AEB leader, “the lack of labour has to do with the lack of housing in Braga” and the lack of an effective mobility plan that facilitates connections with neighbouring municipalities, where houses are cheaper.

As he explained, a well thought out public transport network would allow a worker to live in municipalities such as Vila Verde, Amares or Póvoa de Lanhoso and easily travel to Braga to work.

Daniel Vilaça defended greater coordination between public road transport and a stronger focus on railways, particularly on the connection between Braga and Guimarães.