The new crossing will replace the bridge destroyed by bad weather on December 13, 2022.

In a note sent to the Lusa agency, IP explains that it is in the qualification phase to sign the contract, which will later be submitted for approval by the Court of Auditors, and is expected to be obtained “before the end of this year”.

This is a design/construction procedure, therefore, after the contract is approved by the Court of Auditors, the preparation phase of the execution project will begin, “with an expected period of 120 days and a further 20 days for approval”.

The future bridge will be inserted “in a variant of the current route”, aiming to improve circulation and safety conditions in areas bordering the watercourse.

It will be “dimensioned to increase flows” of the river, in situations of extreme rainfall and in line with IP's objective of incorporating into new infrastructure projects the effects of climate change and the corresponding, more frequent occurrence of abnormal climatic situations.

In December 2022, bad weather left a granite bridge, with 10 semicircular arches, completely submerged, thus cutting the connection, mainly between Fronteira and Alter do Chão.

The crossing was part of the Ribeira Grande Ecotourism Center, a project developed by the municipality.

While the construction of the new boarding area does not progress, IP has ensured circulation in that area through a temporary crossing.

The municipality of Fronteira and the public company have also agreed to transfer ownership of the bridge that was destroyed to the city's assets.

The city hall will be responsible for rehabilitating the bridge that was destroyed, “classifying it as a heritage site of municipal interest”, highlighting its “historical and cultural interest”, and providing pedestrian circulation over it.