In Washington, where he attended Donald Trump's inauguration ceremonies, Ventura argued that "safe countries have strong borders."
"The right is consistent in this: there are rules in Portugal and everywhere in the world. Anyone who does not comply with the rules must be returned to their country of origin," stressed the president of Chega in statements to the Portuguese press.
"What we defend is that - also in Portugal - those who do not comply with the rules must be returned to their country of origin. And note that this is not only said by the president of Chega or the president of Vox. It is now said by the President of The United States, a country that is a reference for freedom and for human rights", Ventura highlighted.
Donald Trump assured, in his inauguration speech, that he will expel "millions and millions" of illegal immigrants, one of the main focuses of his electoral campaign, during which he promised to carry out the "largest mass deportation in the history" of the country.
The new US President also promised to toughen the fight against the entry of illegal immigrants and the immediate deportation of anyone who tries to enter without meeting the requirements to remain in the United States.
"We have also said in Europe that we need those who are not legal to return to their country. (...) I think what Donald Trump said was that people who come to the United States have to be legal. And I think that's the right message," Ventura argued.
Asked by Lusa whether this message includes Portuguese people who are illegally in the United States, Ventura replied: "Everyone. What I demand for others is what I demand for myself as a Portuguese person."
"The Portuguese must comply with the law. I am convinced that this will not happen because the Portuguese people I have met all over the world comply with the rules. (...) What I am convinced of is that the Portuguese will not be a significant number".
“Set an example”
"However, when I say that immigrants in Portugal have to follow rules, everyone has to follow rules. I cannot say that I want one rule for Pakistanis, Indians, Brazilians, and Angolans and not for the Portuguese. The Portuguese have to be the ones first to set an example. When going to the USA, Canada, Switzerland, they have to follow the rules", stressed André Ventura.
The Government of the Azores is preparing a contingency plan to welcome Azorean emigrants who will be deported by Donald Trump.
“It is not the foreseeable scenario, but we are preparing for the worst,” said Paulo Estêvão, regional secretary for Parliamentary Affairs and Communities, last week, admitting that “hundreds” of emigrants from the Azores will be without an illegal status in the United States.
Meanwhile, the PS requested a parliamentary hearing with the Secretary of State for Portuguese Communities, José Cesário, on the situation of the Portuguese community residing in the United States in light of Donald Trump's announced mass deportation plan.
In the request, the socialists say that the Portuguese community living in the United States “is going through moments of great anxiety” due to Trump’s deportation promises.
Asked whether he supports the hearing requested by the PS, Ventura responded with criticism of the Socialist Party, which he believes "has no moral authority to talk about immigration".
"The PS is the most shameless party we have in Portugal. There are security issues and the PS says that it was the one that gave the country security conditions when it left the country in the worst state of insecurity in our memory", he assessed.
"And now, a Party that left half a million immigrants unregistered in Portugal, comes to make a moral judgement about immigrants who are in other parts of the world. What the PS should do is apologize for having led the country into immigration chaos. The PS and Pedro Nuno Santos [PS secretary-general] have no moral authority to talk about immigration", he added, in Washington.
What can you expect from a radical right person? He is talking bull**** like Trump. Without immigrants Portugal is bankrupt. Think all immigrants stop to work! Who serves you, who is working in the fields and so on. And who is posing than social security? The elder Portuguese from there pension? Think twice before you agree with those kind of the radical rights. They give cheap answer for difficult issues.
By Thomas Alexander from Lisbon on 21 Jan 2025, 15:06
The fact that Ventura attended Donald Trump’s inauguration demonstrates he is fascist. Trump supporters are fascist. Look at Elon Musk giving the extended arm upward salute. Trump is the modern day Adolph Hitler.
There will be $40 cost for the worst wine when Trump deports “illegal” immigrants. Home rentals will rise due to the increased cost of landscape maintenance.
Trump supporters deny this because they only read news from their selective sources, those which do not give their readers all of the news, just distortions of it.
All main stream news distorts to some degree, like the New York Times. But Fox, Newsmax and others omit news, and promote fear mongering conspiracies.
By JoeT from Algarve on 22 Jan 2025, 11:19
There is evidence that Portuguese in the US support Trump. Here is a recent story from the Portuguese American Journal:
By John from USA on 22 Jan 2025, 11:28
The issue is not "immigration", it is "illegal immigration". Key word here "illegal". There is a process and it needs to be respected. My parents went through the legal process, with a work contract and also with family members having to vouch support back in the 70s to the US. The complexities in Europe and now Portugal are a result of the lax process of entry. Let people immigrate, but.... using the legal vetted process before it is too late.
By FB from USA on 22 Jan 2025, 12:27
"The United States, a country that is a reference for freedom and for human rights" LOL
By Bob Alexander from Algarve on 22 Jan 2025, 20:41
So what you're saying , Thomas Alexander , is that you'll allow ANYONE and EVERYONE into your home, regardless of their behaviour or intent - be it good or bad - and prioritise them over your own family - your wife, your kids ? That's pretty much what is being done in Portugal and the US, on a Macro scale. How saintly of you.
By Michael from Lisbon on 23 Jan 2025, 07:05
Why is it so difficult for these lefties to understand the difference between an ilegal immigrant and an immigrant. Ilegal immigrants must go back to where they come from. It seems to be a lets let anyone in attitude, then they wonder why Europe and the US is shifting to the right.
By Daniel from Other on 23 Jan 2025, 20:20
An illegal immigrant's desire to seek residency in one nation or another is NOT a human right. No one has a "right" to walk into a nation in the same way no one has a right to walk into someone's house. This nonsense has been spewed by the liars on the Left for years. About time it is put to rest.
By Tony from USA on 24 Jan 2025, 22:12