“Companies that carry out funeral activities under the terms of Decree-Law no. 10/2015, of 16 January, in its current wording, maintain their activity and perform the funeral services of the dead diagnosed with covid-19”, read in the Government decree.

The decree that regulates the new period of state of emergency, which is in force for 15 days from 00:00 on 3 April, continues the prohibition of worship and religious ceremonies that involve an agglomeration of people and the determination limitations for holding funerals.

“The holding of funerals is conditional on the adoption of organizational measures that guarantee the absence of clusters of people and the control of safety distances, namely the establishment of a maximum attendance limit, to be determined by the local authority that exercises the management powers of the respective cemetery”, reads in the decree.

The President of the Republic decreed the renewal of the state of emergency in Portugal, for a new period of 15 days, until 17 April, to allow measures to contain the covid-19.

The state of emergency has been in force in Portugal since March 19 and, according to the Constitution, cannot last longer than 15 days, without prejudice to any renewals with the same time limit.