David a young up-and-coming youth took out the huge and mighty Goliath, with a stone. A magic sling shot. As biblical as it sounds, APAA’s epical target is to raise money for their SNiP campaign. “Our particular aim is spaying and neutering feral cats. Constructing sheltered colonies to take on these poor animals.”

Apart from food, they need protection and health care. Abandoned dogs, are always on the rise. “As soon as a family feel the economic pinch the pooch has to go!” Shelters, such as ‘Cadela Carlota’ have been raising the funds to save their shelter. Buying the land was, finally, a relief for everyone. “Try re-homing the already homeless.” Almost hopeless. But like David, the shelters continue.

Pressing on. By staging ‘Pop-Up’ shops and events, the money gathered by APAA goes towards helping all those in need. Not just the animals, but the shelters too. Like Pet Park who take on some of APAA’s abandoned animals. Friendly friends, Pet Park’s Gary and Wendy are now taking guests’ bookings for Christmas. Yup! Christmas dinner, music and party-time stocking fillers all at the ready. Sounds too good to be true! So is the view. Woof.

Diary: Wednesday 27 September 6.30pm Tex Mex Mixed Taco extravaganza with João and Jesus at Jackie’s north of Portimão. Booking essential. 22€Members/25€ Non-members. Friday 6th October 12-3pm ‘O Tasco’ APAA ‘Pop-Up’ Special. All the fun and atmosphere to meet and greet, have a cold drink and a special friendly menu. Book lunch direct (+351) 282 471 769. Enquiries for those interested! Friday 20th October Dancing to 60/70’s style swing, with ‘Poor Man’s Band’ at ‘Ponte da Romana’ Silves. Contact Jenny on events email below. Friday 27 October 11am-2pm ‘Jolly’s’ Bar at Alvor ‘Pop-Up’ with all the goodies catch up with fashion collections and Fiona’s Fi-Line fashions. Gill Goodes, prints, cards and artwork.

Alexey, aka ‘The Voice’ helped APAA out with their dinner event at ‘O Tasco’. He and his partner Leo have just opened their own bar/restaurant in Portimão ‘Boys Bar’. Yummy food. Even the sandwiches are a sight for hungry eyes. Something on the side? If you are lucky a song or two!

Credits: Supplied Image; Author: Client;

Visit APAA’s charity shops in Alvor and Silves, and bring or buy. Always looking for bargains for their ‘Pop-Up’ Shops. One woman’s cast-offs are another woman’s new-wave fashion!

‘Pop-Up’/Events: events.apaaportugal@gmail.com

APAA rescue/help: info.apaaportugal@gmail.com

Pet Park: Ghulme23@yahoo.com 926660465.

Cat colonies: zelia.santos@live.co.uk