In a study, led by the University of Oxford in England, participants whose blood contained high levels of neuropeptide Y – a protein – were 50 percent more likely to die from a heart complication over three years than those with lower levels. Heart Failure occurs when the heart can't pump blood around the body.

While there's no cure, treatments are available, including having an implantable cardioverter defibrillator fitted.
Scientists hope the test will be available within five years. Further research is planned.
I'm sure your revered science will soon come up with a vax against heart failure: only 2 injections, followed by 58 boosters. You'll still drop dead safe and effectively, and a lot sooner than you would have otherwise, but at least you will have followed 'the science' and not be some crazy, far right, populist, flat-earther, anti science conspiracy theorist.
Did I forget anything? Oh yeah, climate change denier.
Line up sheeple. Baaaaaa.
By hart from Lisbon on 30 Mar 2024, 08:47