In reaction to the proposed State Budget for 2022 (OE2022), the National Federation of Education (FNE) and the National Federation of Teachers (Fenprof) are unanimous in the evaluation of the document: It does not prioritise teachers.

“This new State Budget continues to forget education professionals, as it does not provide for any measure that values ​​them and that contributes to increasing the attractiveness of work in the sector”, writes FNE in a statement.

With an estimated budget of 7,805.7 million euros for basic and secondary education and school administration, the OE2022 introduces practically nothing new for the sector in relation to the proposal which failed last October.

The main difference is the commitment of measures to respond to the problem of the lack of teachers in schools, by changing the recruitment regime, a new model of teacher training, in articulation with higher education, and the creation of incentives for teaching careers and the establishment of teachers in areas of greater need.

“It is true that (…) the OE2022 proposal recognises the need to attract young people to the teaching career and to create incentives to attract professionals to areas where there is a shortage, but the funds entered in the Budget do not indicate positive measures in this regard”, states to Fenprof.