Of the Portuguese respondents, 83% consider that the two bodies should “inform consumers about the environmental impact of food through credible environmental labels”, according to a statement from Associação Natureza Portugal (ANP), which works with the WWF.

The survey commissioned by the Fund shows that “76% of European consumers believe that their governments should lower the prices of environmentally friendly food and half are in favour of making unsustainable food more expensive”.

Focusing on possible measures to help the population choose healthier foods with less environmental impact, the survey involved citizens from 12 European Union countries (Germany, Austria, Belgium, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, Greece, Portugal, Poland, Romania and Sweden).

Asked which organization should lead efforts to help people make eco-friendly food choices, 38% of Europeans chose their government or the EU first.

The report states that food sustainability issues are of increasing concern to Europeans and that 60% of Portuguese participants in this survey indicated that the importance of the topic has grown in the last year, with Portugal being “the country with the highest percentage”.